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Meet Corey Sargent, Team Lead, Quality Control

Corey Sargent is helping drive quality and efficiency as Team Lead, Quality Control. Previously, Corey was a Production Supervisor who helped mentor and guide one of the largest crews at Halifax Shipyard. Originally from Iqaluit, Corey is a proud Métis and spent most of his youth immersed in the culture of his Inuit community. On his mother’s side, Corey’s family ancestry traces back to the original Red River Settlement and the Resistance. Corey’s father served on the most famous Arctic Patrol Ship, the RCMPV St. Roch, the first ship to fully travel the Northwest Passage.

During his time in Iqaluit, Corey was one of the first to participate in a celebration that has been taking place for nearly sixty years. Toonik Tyme is an annual celebration of Inuit traditions which was started in 1965. Comprised of singing, dancing, traditional games and food, Corey remembers the celebration fondly. “I remember life being very simple, but the people were happy.”

Corey attending one of the first Toonik Tyme celebrations

Corey spent 25 years of his adult life managing a farm, raising and training thoroughbred racehorses. During this time Corey learned how to weld to repair his farm machinery. What began as a tool to help improve his farm life would soon become a driving force and career focus in Corey’s life.

“I moved to Halifax from Vancouver almost eight years ago to take a job as a welder at Irving Shipbuilding. I had never been to the Maritimes, but I knew as soon as the project was announced that I needed to be a part of it.” Having achieved his Red Seal and Level 2 Certified Welding Instructor certificate, Corey took on a supervisor position for five years before taking his next step as Team Lead. During his time as a Production Supervisor, Corey mentored talented apprentices, coached experienced journeypersons, and most importantly, left a lasting impact on his teammates.

“Corey was a great supervisor and gave me all the tools I needed to succeed,” says Ruqaiyah Adbu-Allah, Red Seal Welder and one of the best young welders in Nova Scotia. “Not just the physical tools, but everything I needed to have a great day, a safe day, and be positive at work.”

Corey, pictured centre with white hard hat, with his former crew

Corey’s dedication and ability to empower and inspire his team members to learn, grow, and succeed are key to ensuring we deliver on our commitment to building capable ships for Canada. As one of our 2,400 shipbuilders, Corey is paving the way for his team, while also giving back to those who helped carve his path.

“I am very proud of my team and the work we do here as Canada’s National Shipbuilder. Knowing I am giving back to the community that gave my family so much inspires me to do more. I never thought welding would take me to this life.”


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