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Irving Shipbuilding proudly sponsors Techsplorers across Nova Scotia

Irving Shipbuilding is proud to support young girls and non-binary youth in STEM. Through a long-term partnership with Techsploration, students grades 9-12 can learn about shipbuilding firsthand.

This year, Irving Shipbuilding sponsored a team of Grade 9 Techsplorers from Pictou Academy. The team met with their Techsplorer Role Models at Halifax Shipyard for a tour of the facility. Victoria Henneberry, a pipefitter at Halifax Shipyard and former Techsplorer is a Role Model for the program.

“It’s so rewarding to be a role model to the next generation of girls in STEM,” Victoria explains. “I visited Halifax Shipyard as a Techsplorer in 2012 and admired the women who were working here at the time. I remember being in these girls’ shoes. I used to think ‘I can see myself working here someday,’ so to be here now 10 years later is special. To be able to inspire young Techsplorers the way I was inspired 10 years ago and to see everything come full circle is amazing.”

Pictou Academy Techsplorers and Irving Shipbuilding Role Models in the Module Hall at Halifax Shipyard. Victoria Henneberry - our teammate, Techsploration alumni and Role Model is in the first row, second from right.

The Techsplorers were able to learn more about the shipbuilding process up close and try out our welding simulator.

A Techsplorer using the welding simulator with Caelyn Davidson, Metal Fabricator Apprentice, and Shawn McKillop, Team Lead of the Apprenticeship Team looking on.

The Pictou Academy Techsplorers reunited with our shipbuilders at the 2023 Techsplorer Event hosted at Saint Mary’s University. This two-day event brings students, teachers, and mentors together to watch Techsplorers give presentations about their experiences working with their Techsploration mentors and to participate in workshops.

Pictou Academy Techsplorers with ISI Role Models at Saint Mary’s University for the 2023 Techsplorer Event.

Established in 1998, Techsploration is a non-profit organization that provides young women and non-binary youth from grades nine through twelve the opportunity to explore science, trades, and technology occupations. Irving Shipbuilding has supported and partnered with Techsploration in many ways over the years.


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